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AWS Aurora Serverless v2: The Future of Database Management
Aurora Serverless v2 represents a cutting-edge serverless database solution from AWS that automates and optimizes database management. The service seamlessly scales database capacity up and ...
Atlantis For Terraform – Code Review For Terraform
IaC (Infrastructure-As-Code) is a widely accepted and industry-standard best practice because it treats infrastructure as code making it repeatable and immutable and setup as a ...
AWS Hybrid: Take advantage of the best of Both Worlds
Setting up a new infrastructure to host your application has become as simple as clicking a few buttons. Gone are the days when launching a ...
Unleashing the Power of AWS Incident Manager for Seamless Crisis Management
The age of cloud has ushered in the ability to create an extensive, multi-service, complex infrastructure that has the potential to host several n-tier applications ...
AWS Cost Optimization – Keeping an eye on unused resources on your account
AWS allows you to scale up and down in a snap with no downtime, and to get the best return on your investment; it's crucial ...
Significant energy savings with Cloud migrations
Due to the geopolitical situation and the recent black swan events that have plagued world history, one of the unfortunate effects has been the cost ...
AWS Cost Explorer – A window into Cost Optimization
The AWS Cost Explorer, part of the AWS Cost Management Service is one of the best options if you want to manage your AWS costs ...
AWS Cost Optimization – Reserved instances ec2
A reserved instance subscription means that for a pre-decided commitment period (from 1 to 3 years), your EC2 instances of the specified settings will receive ...
AWS Cost Optimization – Lifecycle rules for s3
In our blog post today, let’s discuss the AWS S3 major storage classes, the S3 updates released over the years, what these different storage classes ...
Using AWS Instance scheduler for Cost Optimization
Cost optimization is key to creating a well-architected and efficient AWS environment. In fact, it is one of the critical pillars of the AWS Well-Architected ...
Using AWS Spot instances to leverage 90% Savings
One of the underrated and under-utilised cost-saving options in the EC2 Compute class is the Spot Instances. On-Demand instances are the most expensive EC2 instance ...
Saving Plan EC2
Poorly configured and cost-unoptimized Cloud Accounts count for billions of dollars in waste. (This article lists Cloud waste to hit $19 billion by 2019). AWS ...